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Today I Am a Certified Celebrant

Today I Am a Certified Celebrant

Today I Am a Certified Celebrant

When I was a girl, I never imagined becoming a professional secular celebrant

Simply put, this role didn't exist, and it didn't exist until a few years ago, at least in Italy.

Today, secular ceremonies are increasingly in demand and are beautiful, emotional, authentic, and engaging, especially when written and conducted by individuals who have undertaken a path of study and experience and possess a wealth of skills and knowledge to make those ceremonies unique.

Given the high demand, it has become essential to define a Reference Practice to qualify professionalism.

Today, I am proud of myself for not stopping at the first step, for wanting to continue studying with passion and love for a job I adore. Today, I am a certified Celebrant, but above all, I know I still have much to learn from the people I will meet, from my colleagues, and from ongoing study because professionalism must always be growing.

With immense joy, I want to thank FederCelebranti, Liana Moca - Secular Celebrant - Wedding Celebrant, Clarissa and Sara from Celebranti Laici con Passaggi, and Richard Brown.

I thank the three couples who allowed me to use their ceremonies for the selection process: Mara and Iury, Carmen and Vincenzo, and Mimmo with the late and always in our hearts, Rosy.

I thank my husband, who is my greatest supporter, my great love.

I close this extraordinary year with new projects and an immense desire to inspire emotion.

Today I Am a Certified Celebrant

Contact Me

If you dream of a unique and personalized non-traditional ceremony, if you want to learn more about symbolic or civil rituals, or if you are looking for a professional lay celebrant in Sicily or Calabria, contact me.

You can do this by filling out the form below or through one of the social links.
I will be happy to reply giving you all the information you need.
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